Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Part II

Wow, I really suck at this whole blogging thing.

The funniest/most tragic/traumatizing part of the engagement story was the next day. I put my ring on, albeit it was a little snug. I held it up on the metro and watched it sparkle even on the dingy train car. I was beaming, practically holding my hand up like I was doing the pledge of allegiance. I brought the ring box in, as I knew I would not be able to wear it the whole day. I was planning on going to the jeweler at lunch to get it sized. That trip to the jewelry store came a little earlier than expected.

I could not get the ring off at my desk around 10am, in the bathroom, soap, lotion, etc. I was freaking out and hopped in a cab to Georgetown. Luis met me there and didn't believe me that it was not coming off. OF COURSE Dino the jeweler was on vacation after the holiday rush. We went to two other jewelry stores across town. I had my hand in a glass of ice water at a bar. The day ended at the Tiny Jewel Box, a hoity toity store where fat old ladies in their mink coats were returning their Christmas Presents. I showed them my finger which was now protruding over the ring and they told me they were going to have to cut it off. I broke down in tears and apologized a million times to Luis. They quickly ushered me to the back and cut it off. They took a can opener type device and cut my brand new ring that I had been waiting almost 5 years for off of my hand 15 hours after I got it. I was devastated. I even had to go to dinner two nights later with the ring in my ring box to show all the girls. Everyone who congratulated me, or wanted to, merely looked at my empty hand and gave a hesitant.. Congrats??

Two weeks later, I had my ring back, shiny and new. Did I mention it is the ring of my dreams?

Some people would think it was a bad omen. A lot of my family members and friends joked "that would only happen to you." I take it as a great sign of whats to come. Whatever life throws at us, we are at most a cab ride away from one another, there may be some tears, but there will most certainly be laughs, and the most important thing: we are in it together.


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